So I have been thinking, also trying to make work of this somehow as well with what I can work with.
It's an idea, a fiction if you guys prefer to call it that. Third world war just happened, volcanoes went boom altogether and covered the world in ash, and humanity is about to go extinct.
Till they made homes, big BASTIONS. Five in total. All of them are in peace. Until the four horsemen of the apocalypse showed up. Destroyed four bastions and leaving one.
Yeah this sounds stupid if you ask me about it, but that's somewhat the backstory I somehow pieced with. The story focusses on the last Bastion.
I was heavily into games that forces society norms to fall and be at the collapse, like Tom Clancy's the division. Or a dystopian city and the likes.
In the last Bastion, the government, a rebellion and a cult is at war inside the sectors. Three main characters for three different perspectives. An operative, a janitor turned threat, and a detective finding his wife.
All of them started somewhat on a recently raided hospital in one of the sectors.
Slowly they'll handle each problem in different perspectives and ways into the end.
Yeah, anticlimactic. But that's why I had to make this, this had been scratching and scrambling my head for months. Begging to be worked on, but truth is.. I don't know how to approach it.
So maybe if I were to just give piece and piece of ideas I have and with maybe the help of you guys.. maybe I can get this to work
So yeah, tl;dr of this big gap of an idea I had: me have fiction idea, me need help.
Hi Tr4v!
That sounds like an interesting set up, I think you can do a lot with it!
It seems that you have got some world and character building done, so if you want to flesh it out further, you should decide what media/format you would enjoy making it.
Comix or text (or even audiobook style narration, for Newground's Audio Section) could work very well. Or, if you are ready to commit, and have strength to compress your story (and maybe butcher it mercilessly D: ) you could try to make a game, kind of decision-driven one, like Fields of Sagebrushes or The Sagittarian.
When you make your mind, I think it would be easier to approach, at least because you know WHAT you are approaching.
There are no golden rules, or tutorials, or certainly-working methods on how to START making stuff - that is one of hardest things for many, myself included - still struggling with my own fiction ideas :( . But if it is of any help, Newgroungs is basically *made* out of peoples fictions, video, audio, games, arts, of all levels of skill and depth.
I really wish you luck in your journey, friend :)